7 things to give for Mother’s Day that cost nothing!

7 things to get your other half for Mother’s Day from you and the kids that don’t cost a thing but mean a whole lot more.

Right menfolk. It’s time we talked. Here is the thing. Mums, all mums, are hardworking, exhausted and underappreciated.

We know you are stressed too and in general menfolk are not half bad. We see you helping around the house, doing your man things and nodding when hints are dropped. We appreciate you for all you do.

But Mother’s Day…is our turn!

And we don’t ask much. In fact, although there are long, very long and very expensive lists of things we would love for Mother’s Day there are actually ways that you can convince us of your ultimate sainthood without spending anything. Yes, you heard me correctly.

The 7 things suggested will cost you and your kids nothing but effort. Just think of the brownie points…oh the epic, epic brownie points.

But if that doesn’t convince you then consider this…Father’s Day comes next and it can be one of two things. Bloomin’ fabulous or payback. Make good choices!

So here we go, the complete guide to impressing the gorgeous, hardworking mother of your children for peanuts.

1.       A long lie

As all parents know, this is the first of life’s little luxuries that hits the fan as soon as the sprogs start popping out. Do you remember weekends, pre-children, where there was very little done before 11am?…Na me neither. It was a flippin’ age ago!

So this is a real gem of a treat. Get up with the kids on Mother’s Day and convince them to leave your beloved alone to snooze in bed.

Do not attempt to make breakfast in bed…no no. Just peace thanks. A well-earned chance to relieve some of the sleep deprivation and potentially drag our eye sacks northwards of our cheekbones.

Take the wonderful darlings downstairs, feed and water them, toilet, clean and dress them and do all of this with as little noise as possible.

Thank you kindly you wonderful human you!

2.       Cards the kids have made

Yup, not gonna lie, little bit of prep work required here. I’m gonna help you out a bit with this one though, Pinterest. Yes that’s it. Go on Pintrest search for hand made cards for Mothers Day.

This may require a painted hand or two but you are a proper grown up man. No-one likes getting the paint out. Painting with kids sounds like it will be potentially fun and never ever ends well…but this is what will gain you extra respect from your loving wife.

Wow her with your Mr Maker prowess!

Whatever happens…do not attempt any crafts that involve the use of toilet paper…or pasta!

3.       Time off

We love our children, you know this.

We would genuinely do anything for our kids and we generally do do most things for our kids so, just this once, give us some time off. I don’t know how many mums I hear talking about how they don’t ever get time in the house on their own, especially if the kids are still really little. Just time in our own house to sit and chill out, watch a film, read a book…all things they have pretty much forgotten all about.

Take the kids out for a walk and leave us to just be.

You will be utterly amazed at how pleasant and wonderful a female can be when you have done something kind and selfless for her.

And if Mother’s Day doesn’t really lend itself to offering your lovely partner some time off then give her an I.O.U. for it…and actually follow through.  

4.       Have the kids run her a bath

This will require some slight preparation.

All toys must be removed and the bath must be clean (yes I know this is no mean feat!).

A candle or two will gain you extra points and by god if you add some bubble froth then you are on to a proper winner! No-one said you couldn’t benefit from the generosity you show. Wink wink.

5.       Finish some of the ‘Man’ jobs

I know, you are knackered too. I get it. You have work and the kids and the house and the cars and a boat load of family responsibilities but…you know the bulb that needs changing and those shelves that need hanging , the pictures that need put up and the lawn.

You’re running through your list right now aren’t you?! I know you have one!

Nothing pleases us more than our home being up to scratch and it’s had a few knocks over the years of child rearing so if there’s anything that makes it look a little better then that’s gonna make her happy, happy, happy.

Involve the kids. What can they do to help…hold your ladder??? Joke!

6.       Cook dinner

If you are beyond pants in the kitchen then feel free to skip this one but if not then grab your pinny and get your spatula out.

Get the kids doing the chopping/prep work/set the table etc whilst you work some Roux Jr. magic and put something in front of her that she hasn’t had to cook herself.

And once you are done and the meal has been complimented and you are feeling all man proud…get the kids to do the dishes.

7.       Watch a movie she wants to watch and you really don’t.

So, you’ve given her the long lie, made the cards, taken the kids out, made the tea, run her the perfect bath and managed to squeeze in a little household man maintenance. You are rocking this!

You want to lie on the couch, grab a beer and chuck Sky sports on and I say yeah go for it to the first two…but record whatever your sporting preference is and offer to watch some of her guff. Yeah, you know you’re gonna crash out on the couch anyway so let her take control of the Sky Box for a few hours while you zone out and relish the fact that it is another year till you have to do any of this again.

And that’s it.

It’s cheap and meaningful and god knows I don’t know a single mum that genuinely would not be chuffed to bits with only half of these things.

So you’re all set.

You have the ultimate guide to making Mother’s Day a smooth sailing event. Bookmark this and come back to it for future reference anytime there is a birthday/anniversary/bad day/good day or just because you fancy showing your lovely lass how much you bloomin’ adore her.

Oh and if you’d rather just splash some cash and not bother with any of the effort of the above suggestions here’s a couple of quick suggestions.

  1. Mulberry anything or Gucci anything

    You can’t go wrong with a wee purse from either of these places or if you’re really splurging then anything in a normal colour called ‘Bayswater’ from Mulberry is a classic winner.

    If you’re hitting Gucci a belt would go down a treat or a Marmot would get some serious brownie points.

  2. A night somewhere fancy.

    If you can swing the childcare then a night at any of these three would make any girl very happy.

    Blytheswood Square, Glasgow - amazing Spa, gorgeous rooms and handy for shopping.

    Old Course Hotel & Spa, St Andrews - lovely spa and lots of tasty eateries nearby. Rogue is our favourite!

    Fonab Castle, Pitlochry - A castle with a view and a brasserie to die for.

  3. Or me!

    I do these lovely little #ThisIsMotherhood sessions every year. They are 20 mins of fun for the lovely lass in your life and your gorgeous offspring. Just hit the button below to find out more. Oh and I’m a little more reasonable than the suggestions above! Bonus.


And don’t worry…I’ll write one of these for Father’s Day too. It will include uninterrupted couch snoozes, beer and football. Anything else? Drop it in the comments and I’ll get my recommendations in for you.

Until next time!

G x


A full family session from fun to finish!


Why you need to be in the picture too!