#This Is Motherhood mini-session
A mum and me mini session that will make you smile…even on the tough days!

It’s fast approaching Mother’s Day.
The one day that is all about YOU!…
Just YOU!
You have spent this last year caring and cooking and cleaning and cursing (silently of course) and you totally deserve something that in years to come will remind you of what this year of motherhood actually looked like (on one of the better days!).

So, answer me this…
How many photographs do you have of yourself with your kids?
I know what you’re thinking, you are about to start making excuses about why you can’t be in photographs.
I do it myself.
I need to lose weight, my hair needs done, I have snot on my clothes (snot belonging to the kids, not me!).
But do you know what…your kids will never notice any of that.
They just see YOU!
Even if they aren’t that fussed now, they will want to have photos of you together eventually. How sad would it be if they didn’t have that? How sad would it be if you didn’t either?
And all those things you’re worried about, they can all be sorted. A little posing tweak here and there and we’ll have you looking and feeling fabulous in no time!
Let’s capture it.
You, your kids (or you and your own mum)
and a whole lot of love!
Come out to play! Get yourself and the kids all prettied up and we will pop out and make some memories - good ones!
So are you thinking about it? Are you about to send your other half the link? Or one of the kids? Hint hint! (They need it don’t they!)
Well here’s what you get.

A mini session and 3 beautifully finished digital files
~ £60.
Upgrade to all of the digital files from your session
~ £135
Approximately 15 images.
Saving £550 on normal package price.

These sessions will run on selected Saturdays in April - June only
There is a limited number of sessions available.
They will take place on
Saturday 20th April,
Saturday 18th May
and Saturday 1st June
They will be local to Broughty Ferry/Monifieth
They will be early evening sessions - it’s a light thing!
Well? Are you thinking…yes, I bloomin’ want this! Well that’s Fabulous! Let’s get you all sorted.
Fill out this form and I’ll get you all booked in.
Do you need a voucher for your own mum? Then look no further…here they are and they are awfully pretty!
If you’re after a session or a voucher for someone else just pop your details in the form above and I’ll have you sorted in a jiffy.

FAQ’s & T’s and C’s
Fill out the form above and I’ll send over the availability. Let me know which session you’d like and that’s us sorted.
These are 20 minute mini-sessions.
The sessions are £60 which includes 3 digital files. If you would like to purchase the full gallery after the session (approx. 15 images) then you can do so for a further £75.
Yup it's pretty likely isn't it! I keep a close eye on the weather in the days before. If it's cloudy and a wee bit drizzly then we can work with that but if it's going to be miserable then we reschedule a time that is mutually suitable.
Frizzy hair is always taken into consideration! Lol.
Where will they be?
Exact location will be decided once I see what is looking really pretty nearer the time but it will be no further than 10 mins from Monifieth/Broughty Ferry.
can i bring my significant other?
By all means bring them along to offer a helping hand or to watch and make silly faces but I’m afraid these sessions are just for mums and their little people.
T’s & C’s
Vouchers received in previous promotions/competitions are not valid for use in a mini-session.