Family Photography in Dundee and Angus
So...you're here because life is a chaotic blur of stress and mess, giggles and smiles and you want to capture every second and every detail, well then...let's get started and find out if we 'click'.
Here's a little snippet of how I work with a family.
Grab a cuppy (or a gin - because well, why not?!) and hit the play button...if it tickles your fancy, keep reading!
SO...If you're still reading it's because you love photography and what you're looking for is someone who
just gets you!
someone who'll put you and your kids at ease,
someone who will capture...
the heart of your family,
the love in your family and the characters in your family!

You want your images to show
joy, connection & emotion
and oh boy…so do I!

So why would you come to me to get your photographs taken? What makes me different or special? (I'm going to try and do this as humbly as possible because blowing my own trumpet doesn't come naturally at all.)
Mainly you come to me because it’s fun when we’re together! You heard me…
I said fun!
There is a ton of laughter in a photography session and where there is laughter we get all the good stuff...natural smiles, fleeting expressions and a whole host of special moments that are true to who you are as a family and true to who they are as little people.
I want to capture your family just as you are
(on a really good day!).
And that’s what you want too, right?
You want to come to a session where you don’t have to stress about the kids playing up because the photographer has it sussed how to win them round.
You want to come to a session where your significant other is just having fun playing with his kids.
You want a nudge in the right direction on how to pose naturally and you want to feel good about yourself when you see the images.
If you are looking for your children to be perfectly dressed and sitting beautifully in front of a backdrop then that’s great…but that’s not me I’m afraid.
If you want to be outside chucking up leaves, telling rude jokes and having a giggle then lets get chatting and get this all sorted out for you!
Well… You get in touch (you can do that by clicking right here), we arrange a time to chat, we talk locations, clothing, who you are and what you’re all about.
We pop a date in the diary and then I send across lots of information and a wee invoice for the session fee to guarantee your date.
HOw long does a session last?
Approx. an hour and a half. It usually depends on the little people and when meal time/milk time/sleep time hits.
how much does this cost?
A session is £50 and packages start at £275. You can find the detailed pricing by clicking here.
What if it rains
Yup it's pretty likely isn't it! I keep a close eye on the weather in the days before. If it's cloudy and a wee bit drizzly then we can work with that but if it's going to be miserable then we reschedule a time that is mutually suitable.
Frizzy hair is always taken into consideration! Lol.
can you just take photos of the kids? i don’t want to be in them.
I will absolutely do whatever you feel most comfortable with but I will always try to encourage you to go in just a couple. I totally get the body hang up's and never quite feeling like you've had the time to look the way you'd want to. But, do you know, I don't think I've ever had someone say they regret it after they see their images. What you end up seeing is the love in your family and that's kind of an important thing to capture...don’t you think?
what is the best time for a session?
The hour and a half just before sunset is always the best time for that gorgeous golden light you see in so many of my images. Depending on the time of year, we aim for that time, if we can. If not then we go with when suits your schedule best.
i’m worried my kids will be a handful.
Your little ones will be what they'll be, please don't worry about it. Just make sure that they know in advance that it will be FUN! You don't even need to ask them to smile or be good because we'll be too busy having fun and I'll be capturing their true smiles and giggles.
I don’t know what to wear.
You will be provided with a full clothing guide for the whole family. I’m on hand to run clothing choices by and most clients do this. I also have a gorgeous client closet especially for Mums (because I know you’ll worry the most about what you’re going to wear but spend so much time on everyone else you’ll forget to sort yourself!)
what happens after the session
After all the fun and merriment are done I head home to;-
select only the finest of your images (we’re talking M & S quality here!).
I carefully hand edit each and every one for you (a minimum of 60) and then…
Present you with an awfully nice, tear inducing online gallery a couple of weeks later.
You can then decide which ones you just can’t live without!